Town Clerk
Town Clerk: Natasha ConklinDeputy Town Clerk:
Phone: (607) 529-3532 x2
A Town Clerk is a....
Notary Public. The Town Clerk offers a notary service at no charge. A notary witnesses and authenticates documents and performs certain other acts of verifying papers. Must have a photo ID to show.
Public Relations Officer: The Clerk's Office is considered the center of local government, an information source and gateway for the community to the offices of the Town and other government agencies and services.
Recording Secretary: Authors minute books, the only official record of the activities of Town government. The resulting volumes are retained permanently for legal and historic purposes.
Records Management Officer: Custodian of all Town records, responsible for active files, storage and disposition of inactive records, and the careful maintenance of archival material.
Administrator of the Freedom of Information Law: This Law guarantees your right to know the workings of the government. (See below - Foil Request Form under documents)
Filing Officer: Maintains records of adopted Town Ordinances and Local Laws, Town Oaths of Office, resignations, petitions, proof of publications, annual budgets, assessment rolls, fiscal reports, bond/note registers, zoning ordinances and maps. Maintains public signboard, advertises and receives bids for purchase of Town materials.
Licensing Officer: Issues State licenses/permits, including marriage, dog, conservation (hunting and fishing), and handicapped parking. Issues Town licenses/permits mandated by Local Law.
Cash Control Officer: Is responsible for numerous duties related to billing, and the collection and disbursement of funds. All incoming cash is recorded and disbursed to State, County and local fiscal officers. The Town Clerk also contributes to Town and departmental budget preparation, management of petty cash, general purchasing and assisting with State and internal audits.
Secretary to the Town Board: Involving various secretarial duties as well as correspondence.
Tax Collector: In the Town of Chemung, as well as in many other Towns, the Town Clerk is also the Tax Collector.
Spayed/Neutered Dogs: $7.50
Unspayed/Unneutered Dogs: $15.50
Senior Citizens Spayed/Neutered: $2.50
Senior Citizens Unspayed/Unneutered: $10.50
Unlicensed Dogs found on Census: $5.00
Replacement Tag: $3.00
Marriage License: $40.00
Certificate of Marriage: $10.00
Junk Yard License: $25.00
Special Use Permit Application: $50.00
Board of Appeals Application: $50.00
Bad Checks: $35.00
Tax Certification: $3.00
Zoning Ordinance Book: $5.00
Letter size copies: $0.25/Each
Legal size copies: $0.30/Each
Fax: $2.00/First page
$0.50/Each additional page
Hunting / Fishing License per New York State Fees
Hours of Operation
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Dog Licensing Mail-In Form (PDF - 128 KB)
The Town of Chemung Town Clerk's Office now offers a mail-in dog license application form for those who may have difficulty getting into the town hall during regular office hours. The form may be printed here or we will mail you a form. To contact the Town Clerk's Office, please call (607) 529-3532 Ext. 2 between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays. OR, leave a clear message, anytime, with your name and address on the answering machine and we will send you the form.